2018 Australian Steel Convention – Park Hyatt Hotel, Melbourne
National Forum highlights
Chris Anderson | Revision – Zero |
Brad Backer | BDS Vircon |
Shaun Brown | Haywards |
Steve Cox | Demcox |
David Dawson | PDC |
Rick Dembiany | Demcox |
John Gardner | ASI (Minutes Secretary) |
Peter Lawrence | van der Meer Consulting |
John Lyons | PDC |
Jason Nankivell | PDC |
Russell Neal | Revision – Zero |
Scott Peeler | Building Point |
Tim Rachow | BDS Vircon |
Clayton Roxborough | Steelcad |
Phil Shanks | Steelcad |
Dardo Uteda | Steelforce |
Chris Velovski | EDC Consultants |
- Introduction and welcome
- Clayton Roxborough (ACMA Chair), welcomed the delegates and reviewed key achievements and activities of the AISD in Queensland prior to the formation of ACMA. These included member tours of steel industry facilities such as galvanizers, Webforge, Monowills, construction sites etc, providing assistance to the Galvanizers Association of Australia (GAA) to produce venting & draining wall charts, steel detailer qualification framework and Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) Awards.
- Agenda Discussion Topics
AISD National Amalgamation
- The AISD has been dissolved and ACMA has been formed as a not for profit company limited by guarantee. ACMA a corporation and has a Board of Directors.
- It was agreed that the ACMA AGM will be held at future ASI Steel Conventions.
- It is planned that the new ACMA website will allow ACMA members to share information online.
- Membership certificates will be provided to all ACMA financial members.
Review of Steel Detailers Handbook
- ACMA Secretary, Phil Shanks has been leading the revision of the Australian Steel Detailers Handbook and work is progressing well. He advised that information on cold-formed steel sections including purlins and girts will need to be included in the new edition of the Handbook. The ASI and ACMA logos will be included on the drawings provided as part of the Handbook. It was agreed that ASI would produce the final table of contents for the Handbook. The revision of the Handbook is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2019.
Integrated Project Delivery (IPD)
- BIM in New Zealand (BIMinNZ) at https://www.biminnz.co.nz/ is also active in promoting early engagement by the project supply chain.
- ACMA “IPD rules of engagement “are needed to guide participants in the IPD process and set boundaries.
- An ACMA web-based portal could be set up in order to share IPD news and activities between ACMA members.
- Next month Phil Shanks will be presenting an IPD case study on a steel walkway project being built in the Katharine Gorge in the Northern Territory. The case study presentation will include a video showing the construction model. It was agreed that the case study will be shared with ACMA members.
IPD Awards – State and National
- To assist in holding the ACMA IPD Awards in all states, it was agreed that the Queensland IPD Awards framework should be shared with all States for eventual national roll-out.
Industry News
- Chris Velovski (AISD NSW) reported that government funding is available to assist Construction Modellers to undertake projects that benefit their business and the wider ACMA community. AusIndustry is a major provider of dollar for dollar grants for small business. Chris advised that his company, EDC Consultants, has applied for 2 grants, one of which will support a Masters in Construction degree student at the University of Newcastle to carry out research into the benefits of early project engagement with Construction Modellers. Chris agreed to share the grant application information with ACMA members.
Networking Business Opportunities that come with membership
- The formation of ACMA provides an excellent opportunity to expand the membership of ACMA to a wider range of individuals and companies involved the construction supply chain. Engineers interested in BIM and IPD would be suitable ACMA members as well as Construction Modellers working in the precast concrete sector.
Engagement with the Australian Steel Institute (ASI)
- Agreed that engagement with the ASI in all states would benefit the association.
- Other Business
- A new 3D model of a 12 storey steel framed building is being prepared by ACMA member company, Steelcad, for use by the ASI in the course materials for the updated, Queensland University of Technology 4th Year Engineering Degree in design of a multi-storey composite steel framed building.
- Software piracy continues to be a serious issue even though compliance has increased by software providers. One of the challenges is addressing the problem of some companies using pirated software being “off grid” and not connected to the internet. Modelling of some projects can begin overseas by companies using pirated software and then be completed in Australia by companies using licensed software. The names and locations of those companies caught using pirated software needs to be shared with ACMA members so that they can avoid forming a business relationship with them.