Code Of Ethics

Steel Detailing / Construction Modelling is the process of interpreting and translating documented design concepts and information into workshop detail drawings that a steel fabricator will use to manufacture the structural components of steel framed building or structure. Steel detailers also may be involved in site work, quality control, and project management.

The members of the Australian Construction Modellers Association are bound by a common commitment to promote our profession and facilitate its practice for the benefit of the steel construction industry based upon shared values of:

  • Ethical behaviour
  • Competent performance
  • Innovative practice
  • Detailing excellence

The Code of Ethics provides a statement of principles which has been adopted as the basis upon which members shall conduct their activities. It is also the framework from which rules of conduct may be developed. Members are required to support and apply the Tenet as part of their obligations of membership of the Institute.

A breach of any one Tenet of the Code of Ethics is regarded as unethical conduct.

The Tenets of the Code of Ethics:

  • Members shall act with honour, integrity and dignity in order to merit the trust of the profession;
  • Members shall act only in areas of their competence and in a careful and diligent manner;
  • Members shall act with honesty, good faith and equity and without discrimination;
  • Members shall apply their skill and knowledge in the interest of their employer or client for whom they shall act without compromising any other obligation to these Tenets;
  • Members shall, where relevant, take reasonable steps to inform themselves, their clients and employers of the economic and other possible consequences which may arise from their actions;
  • Members shall express opinions, make statements or give evidence with fairness and honesty and only on the basis of adequate knowledge;
  • Members shall continue to develop relevant knowledge, skill, and expertise throughout their careers and shall actively assist and encourage those with whom they are associated, to do likewise;
  • Members shall not assist in or induce a breach of these Tenets and shall support those who seek to uphold them if called upon or in a position to do so.


  • Behaviour engendering trust in the steel construction community;
  • A responsibility of service to clients or employers;
  • Fairness in dealing with others;
  • Relationships being on an open and informed basis;
  • Opinions or evidence being a balanced and full representation of the truth;
  • Knowledge being current to best serve the interests of employers and clients;
  • A shared responsibility to uphold the Tenets.


A breach of the Code of Ethics occurs when a member acts contrary to the Code when judged in the particular circumstances of the matter at issue

Clients and Employers

Loyalty to the employer or client also requires that strict confidentiality be applied with respect to information or property available to the member as a result of the service provided. Members should not reveal facts, data or information obtained without the prior consent of its owner.

Members should relate to an employer or client on an open and informed basis so as to establish a position of trust. Any circumstances, which may be regarded as detrimental to the maintenance of trust, should be avoided or disclosed.

Procedures for handling alleged breaches of the Code of Ethics

Improper conduct includes, amongst other things, failure to observe one or more requirements of the Institute’s Code of Ethics.
The following sanctions may be applied by the management committee of the day: admonition, reprimand, suspension from the membership, expulsion from membership.

Details of the decision and the reasons for it are sent to the member concerned.

Where breaches are proven, the decisions are normally published. Where appropriate, similar publicity will also be given to complaints which are dismissed.

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