ASI Steel Excellence Awards

The Australian Steel Excellence Awards are held biennially to promote excellence in the use of Australian steel in design, recognise high standards across the Australian steel supply chain and celebrate collaboration and the achievements of the Australian steel industry.

The 2020 Australian Steel Excellence Awards provide outstanding opportunity for representatives from across the Australian steel industry to showcase their collaborations and achievements

Promoting excellence in the use of Australian steel in design.
Recognising high standards across the Australian steel supply chain.
Celebrating collaboration and the achievements of the Australian steel industry.


Five award categories
Buildings – Large Projects (over $5,000,000) for application component
Buildings – Small Projects (up to $5,000,000) for application component
Australian Steel-Clad Structures (Warehouses, Industrial Building, Façades, etc)
Engineering Projects (Infrastructure, Resources and Mining)
Young Designer/Detailer/Trades Person


Closing Date for Entries: 5pm on Friday 29 May 2020
Contact: David Varcoe 0419 136 720

Uploading your entries is simple. We encourage Builders, Engineers and Architects as well as Steel Supply Chain participants to submit entries large or small.

Just click on the link to access the Awards program which provide details such as Submission Requirements, Award Categories and Templates to make the process of entering easier.

Once you have begun the entry process, you will also be sent a link so that you can return to your entry and upload further information later if you need to. Award entry is free of charge.

State winners of the Steel Excellence Awards will be nominated for the Australian Steel Institute’s National Australian Steel Excellence Awards, presented at the 2020 Australian Steel Excellence Awards Gala Dinner in Sydney in November.  Date and venue to be confirmed