Benefits of Membership

Industry recognition of your experience

Steel detailing is an unregulated industry. Because of this, there is nothing to stop a person, with no detailing or even no drafting experience, from calling themselves a steel detailer. There is currently no pre-requisite qualification required for this position. It’s due to these circumstances that the reputation of our industry is tarnished by ‘cowboys’.

The ACMA is an industry representative body that differentiates between these cowboys & the bona-fide professional. The Australian Institute of Steel Detailers provides members with official recognition of their expertise. It differentiates between an individual or company that proudly advocates a high standard of work and ethical business practice and those who don’t.

The ACMA website includes a Find a Detailer section which effectively advertises detailing companies to the market place and can have a link to your company’s own website.

Ongoing professional development

The ACMA organises presentations to be delivered by steel industry leaders & professionals for the benefit of our members. These presentations will range from steel merchants & manufacturers to fabricators, erectors and engineers.

Develop a network of peers in the industry for exchanging ideas & sharing experiences

Twice a year, the ACMA has General meetings where all members are invited to participate in forum style debate about the steel detailing industry. This provides an excellent opportunity to share your experiences (good or bad) as well as exchange ideas about matters that affect us all.

Many detailing offices sometimes have to turn away larger jobs because of manpower limitations and unachievable delivery deadlines. ACMA provides an opportunity for members to network and team build between their respective operations to allow members to use the resources of other member offices to provide the manpower to take on larger projects and increase business and profitability of their own office.

Representing Steel Detailers to the Construction Industry

The Australian Construction Modellers Association Ltd was formed after several forum evenings which highlighted the problems facing the detailing profession. It became clear that the Steel Detailing Industry needed a body to act on it’s behalf in trying to address these issues. The ACMA has since represented detailer’s by;

  • Delivering of presentations to the Institute of Engineers Australia
  • Attending meetings with construction industry leaders to promote the Queensland Detailing industry
  • Representing detailers at state committee meetings of the Australian Steel Institute
  • Providing lectures to QUT engineering students
  • Recognising design consultants who have taken steps towards reducing poor quality documentation
  • Offering the only on-going professional development opportunities available to Australian Detailers

Socialise with colleagues at ACMA functions & events

The steel detailing world is a small but friendly place. All of the events listed above usually conclude with refreshments and a snack, which is an ideal mix for members to catch up with friends and colleagues from other companies or just a little social banter with the people from the office.

Support your industry

Even if you have no desire to become intimately involved with the ACMA, you can help your industry simply by standing up and being counted as a member. The greater the membership the ACMA represents, the better chance we have of making a difference. Remember, the ACMA exists to improve our industry and solve some of the problems currently plaguing our everyday experience.

Put forward your ideas on how to improve the lot of Steel Detailers

The general meetings and AGM give all members the chance to;

  • Voice their concerns or approval of the directions and policies adopted by the ACMA.

  • Get elected to the Management Board and play an integral role in the future of your profession.

Get elected to the management Board and play an integral role in the future of your profession

If you’re really serious about your profession, get involved with the Management Board. Any full member can get elected to the Board. Simply nominate at the AGM because all Board positions are vacated every year. Members other than Full Members can still get involved with the various task groups currently contributing to the go-forward of the organization.

Feedback & response to industry developments and direction

All correspondence issued by the ACMA invites feedback and input. Here’s your chance to put your two bobs worth into everything we do from the Newsletter to Presentations to the Institute of Engineers Australia.

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