Event cancellations due to COVID-19
Annual Steel Convention
Due to the unprecedented circumstances arising from the COVID-19 virus and after careful consideration the Australian Steel Institute has decided to cancel the 2020 Annual Steel Convention for September 2020. The ASI understands the importance of the Annual Steel Convention for their members and the steel construction industry at large but due to the prevailing uncertainty, the financial impact of a late cancellation and keeping the health and welfare of our community in mind we have had to make this call now.
Furthermore, given the financial and social impact that the COVID-19 is having on the economy it was felt that the Annual Steel Convention would be seen by organisations as non-essential expenditure and that in difficult business conditions would not be well supported.
Going forward for 2020, in lieu of the Convention, the ASI is exploring the possibility of running some ‘on line’ sessions and presentations, that may be delivered to you in a variety of different formats.
The ACMA Annual General Meeting is usually scheduled to be conducted during the Convention. Now that the Convention has been cancelled, the board of the ACMA will advise members in due course of the new arrangements for this years AGM.
Steel Excellence Awards
The ASI will proceed with the Steel Excellence Awards for 2020 with the following revisions to the State based awards:
The Call for Entries has already been distributed in all States. The Gala Dinner and Presentation events at venues for state-based awards have all been cancelled, however the Awards will continue to the judging stage with Winners & High Commendations recognised in the Steel Australia Magazine, Media Releases and possible individual presentations to Winning companies.
State Winners will progress to the National Awards which is still under review as to if an ‘event’ will be conducted or not in November. We will advise in due course if the national event and dinner will proceed.
Given the cancellation of the awards events, the ACMA has decided not to run the IPD award this year. It was in planning for the IPD award to go National this year however, we’ll postpone this move until the 2022 round of Steel Industry Awards.