The ACMA Ltd currently has a range of different levels of membership as detailed below.
You must agree with the Eligibility Requirements.
Then, select which membership type is most suitable to your circumstance and needs and complete the appropriate application (Individual, Company or Associate).
Once your application has been assessed and approved, you will receive an email to finalise your membership and make payment.
Select Your Membership Type
Are you eligible to become an Individual member?
All individual members of the ACMA Ltd must reside and work in Australia or New Zealand.
To be eligible for election to the board, nominees must be an Australian or New Zealand citizen.
Persons under the age of 18 years are not entitled to vote or hold positions on the Institutes Management Board.
Member in Training
Individual Membership
AUD $25
AUD $25
Cadet or trainee, employed either full time or part time as a steel detailer or Integrated Construction Modeller (ICM).
Limitations: Nil.
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Full Member (Employee)
Individual Membership
AUD $40
AUD $40
Construction Modeller or Detailer with a minimum of 4 years full-time, continuous working experience.
Limitations: Nil.
Not "Sole Trader". See Company Membership.
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Individual Associate
Individual Membership
AUD $120
AUD $120
A person working directly in Construction Modelling, but either works in related industries or has an affiliation with the Construction Modelling profession.
Limitations: May not vote.
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Are you eligible to become a Company member?
While the ACMA supports the development of member companies to improve their professionalism and competitiveness, it’s a firm belief of the board that membership alone, should benchmark the business as a “Quality” firm with sound ethics and industry recognition of their ability.
In support of this stance, it is a requirement that all company or Sole Trader members must have a minimum of 12 months operating experience. Applicants with fewer than 12 months of trading history are welcome to join as associate members until such time as they have accumulated the prerequisite experience.
Company membership applies to their nominated representative only, not all staff.
Applicants should note that it is also a requirement of the ACMA that all modelling and detailing projects are completed using only licensed cad software. In light of this requirement, your application must include;
By signing the application, Sole Trader & Company membership applicants declare that their drawing office practices comply with the Australian Steel Detailers Handbook or similar for other the detailing of other materials.
Company member applicants must be head-quartered in Australia or New Zealand. This includes;
Applicants must also comply with the Federal Government’s local content definition in the Local Industry Policy (LIP). The key LIP criteria are:
Sole Trader
Company Membership
AUD $120
AUD $120
‘Qualified’ construction modeler or detailer with a business name or ABN. Must meet criteria outlined above, provide sample drawings, and references from at least 2 clients.
Limitations: Nil.
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Company ‘A’
Company Membership
AUD $300
AUD $300
Must meet “Sole Trader” criteria and has up to five drawing office employees.
Limitations: Nil.
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Company ‘B’
Company Membership
AUD $550
AUD $550
Must meet “Sole Trader” criteria and has up to 15 drawing office employees.
Limitations: Nil.
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Company ‘C’
Company Membership
AUD $800
AUD $800
Must meet “Sole Trader” criteria and has more than 15 drawing office employees
Limitations: Nil.
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Are you eligible to become an Associate member?
Companies not directly participating in the Construction Modelling market may only join as Associate members. Such companies may include;
Company Membership
AUD $300
AUD $300
Company representative or professional body involved in construction or similar industry but whose core business is not construction modelling or detailing.
Limitations: May not vote.
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